Robin Williamson Concert Dates


These are smaller and mid size pieces from Robin's own archive, signed and dated.

The approximate size of each is listed in inches.

These prices are valid January 2018 and are exclusive of postage.

For all enquiries ring Pigs Whisker Music 
+44 (0)2920 231739

Leave a message with your phone number. 
Payment by cheque in pounds or dollar equivalent.
Please don't send any payment without ringing first.

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Saint Martin
The legend of Saint Martin sharing his cloak with the beggar has led, in folk tradition, to his role as the spirit of charity and to his reputation as a powerful helper in times of trouble
4 and half by six and a half inches

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Jack of Diamonds.
With quote from the old folksong about that card 
" I know you of old, you robbed my pocket of silver and gold"
8 inches by 4 and a half
£ 550

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The High Loch by the Knowes 
16 inches by 6 and a half inches

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By Wearie Well
1 4 inches by 6 and a half inches

The Illuminations Series
Robin is working on an ongoing series of paintings between 6 & 8 inches square with quotes from his songs, poems and bardic tales.
They are all priced £30 or $50
Postage included UK +$10 USA

If you wish to own one please ring
 Pigs Whisker Music ++44 (0)2920 231739 and leave a message .
Or write to Pigs Whisker Music
P O box 309 
Cardiff CF11 9ZA

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Illuminations Series # 3
These lyrics are from Robin's song 'Laying on the Colours' from the album ' Love will Remain'.
You can hear the album  and this track on Spotify 

The painting is approximately 10 inches square 

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The words are from Robin's song 
'Trusting in the Rising Light' . You can hear it on Spotify with this link
The painting is about 10 inches square 

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Illuminations Series # 15
Lyrics from Robin's song The Cards
on his ECM album 
'Trusting in the Rising Light'.Its on Spotify
Approximately 5 inches square

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Illuminations Series #17
Lyrics from Robin's song 
'Fair Miles Very Wasted'
You can listen with the attached link
Approximately 5 inches square

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Illuminations Series 18
Lyrics from Robin's song 'About Doorways and Weather
Approximately 4 inches square

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'Mountains Beyond'
Approximately 10 inches by 4 inches

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Alms For Oblivion 10 inches by 9 inches

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The words in the painting are a quote from a poem of  Robert Burns titled:
"Epitaph on my own friend and my father's friend William Muir in Tarbolton."
Muir was a miller who ...when Jean Armour was thrown out by her family ... took her in .
A kindness that Burns never forgot.

Epitaph for a Friend
8 by 9 and a half inches

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I See The Moon
First in a series of traditional rhymes I remember from childhood
9 inches by 13 and a half inches

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'The Fool'
13 X 16.5 inches 

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Saint Bride's Bay Pembrokeshire
Bae Sain Ffraid
20 inches by 7 inches

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Saint Mary Magdalene 
6 inches by 12 inches, painted 2013

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Saint George 
5 inches by 7 inches  £ 750 .  I painted this in 2008
Tradition says Saint George was born in Turkey.  For me he is a symbol of courage .He is patron saint not only of England but also Catalonia  and several other countries.

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The Son of Man
4 and a half inches square ,painted 2006.

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Uriel Angel of Instruction and Music 
for sale only as A4 print
 £30 $60 including postage

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Gabriel Angel of Illumination and Revelation 
for sale only as A4 print
 £30 $60 including postage

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Michael Angel of Protection and Strength 
for sale only as A4 print
 £30 $60 including postage

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Raphael Angel of Healing and Renewal 
for sale only as A4 print
 £30 $60 including postage

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For Iolo Morganwg  1747-1826
Diolch O Galon 
Pencil drawing
10 and a half by 8 and a half inches 

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'Mull of the Mountains'
16 by 6 inches 

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''Just East of Abergavenny.'
10 by 7 inches.
 July fields the distant hill is Skirrid.

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'For Iolo Morganwg, Diolch O Galon' 
2nd version 
10 inches by 8 inches

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'The High Loch At Sunset' 
Approximately 7 inches by 5 inches 

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'Gwent Levels' 
5 and a half by 11 inches 

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'The Owl of Minerva'[ 
Approximately 7and a half inches square

For Sale As Prints

These paintings are currently available as A4 prints mail order £15  $30 send postal order or cheque to Pig's Whisker Music 
PO box 309
Cardiff CF11 9ZA
South Wales U.K.

Dream Journals
Witch's Hat
Dream the World All Alive
Stranger Than That
All on a Summer's Day
Fools Dance
Guardian Spirits of Moon and Water
This Riddle
The Circle is Unbroken
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